The E-book

The E-book Builder 

What is an e-book?  If you have never before received an e-book you can learn that it is an
electronic book that can be sent to someone at a moments notice.
so popular as well as easy products to sell on the 
internet is the fact that they are instant
information.  Much of the information contained
on the internet.  But who has the time to search?
People want instant information and they want it NOW. 
This is where the e-book comes in.  An
e-book is not a usually a fiction book but a how-to, 
self-help or informational book.  Someone
who has just broken up with a long time love might benefit from a
 book that teaches them to
bounce back and move on.  They might really need a book like 
this but not want to go to the
store.  When they find the information that they 
want an e-book format because they can get the information NOW. 


Are people willing to pay more to get information right away?  You betcha.  They are willing to
pay $2 for a loaf of bread at a convenience store so 
that they do not have to go to the
supermarket where it is 50 cents.  People are conven
thru society that is devoted to convenience.  
Imagine yourself on a Sunday evening trying to find
information about a particular subject on the internet.  You
keep picking up bits and pieces and it is taking you tons of
time to research.  Now imagine having all of that information
at your fingertips instantly.  How much would you be willing
to spend for that convenience?  Chances are, if you are like

most people, the answer is more than you would pay for a book in a store.  If there was no way to
get the information, you might go to the bookstore the next day.
 Or you might not.  You might
just forget about the idea altogether.  Or you may go to the library 
to get a book.  An E-book is
not only quick information, but impulse.  You have to be
 able to offer a customer instant
gratification for their money.  

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